About Junior Boys AFL

Junior AFL typically starts from from age 8 and upwards.

Your year of birth determines your age group.

Players are welcome to join at any stage of the season. We welcome interested players to come to training anytime, have a kick and meet the coach. No commitment is required at the time, so come along and have a go.

Click HERE to register.

Seasons typically run from March to August inclusive and games are on Sundays and some Friday nights for some older age groups.

U8, U9 and U10

The first level of competition is U9s. Tackle rules at this age consist of hold & release to promote ball and team work skills. Modified rules apply to the younger age groups. U9, U10 are non graded and non-competitive (no results posted).

U11 to U17

U11 to U17 are graded. Teams are split into divisions based on ability. Results are posted and finals played.

Youth AFL starts at U14’s. Full rules apply but aggressive play is not promoted or rewarded. emphasis is still on skills development and many talent programs are on offer to those seeking more.

Junior teams play modified rules and MANDATORY zones rotation ensure that every player spends time in the forwards, centre and backs. A fair go for everyone is our aim in the junior age teams.

Umpires and Player Conduct

New umpires complete extensive training throughout the pre-season, are qualified and mentored via senior umpires and AFL appointed representatives to ensure that that there is a fair and safe environment for all.

There is a code of conduct that applies to players, parents and spectators & the association is especially keen to ensure that all behaviour is moderate & consistent with decent standards. Our club strongly enforces these rules & expects high standards of conduct from all players representing Forest.